IIT Roorkee Delegation Visited the Debre Tabor University, Ethiopia

The IIT Roorkee delegation visited Debre Tabor University, Ethiopia, as a part of their academic & outreach visit to Ethiopia. The DTU is located in Debre Tabor  near Bahir Dar, approximately 600km from Addis Ababa, the capitolof Ethiopia.

The members of the high-level delegation from IIT Roorkee were

Prof M Parida               : Deputy Director
Prof Partha Roy           : Dean of Resources and Alumni Affairs (DORA)
Prof P Arumugam       : Dean of International Relations
Dr Ravikant Ranjan    : Executive Officer (IR Office)
Mr Ebissa Gadissa       : Convener of ISAC & PhD Scholar

On August 10th, 2022, the delegates of IIT Roorkee visited Debre Tabor University (DTU), 660km away from the capital city of Ethiopia. The invitation to visit DTU was initiated by Dr Anegagregn Gashaw, President of Debre Tabor University. Some time back IIT Roorkee and DTU had signed an MoU, and the visit was to reaffirm and enhance the collaboration further. Dr Kinde Gebayehu, Academic Vice President, Dr Abrham Melkie, Directorate of International Relations and DTU staff members warmly welcomed the delegation members visiting DTU.

Dr Abrham Melkie, Directorate of International Relations at DTU, presented an overview of DTU. DTU is reletively a young University, however in short time achieved recognitions and awards from the Ethiopian Government. IIT Roorkee delegates appreciated the achievement of DTU and proposed academic exchange and training programs for the DTU staff and students. During the visit, IIT Roorkee delegates visited laboratories, research facilites and campus at DTU. The one day visit concluded with mutual resolve to enhance the collaborations further.