Prof. Anegagregn Gashaw Ferede the President of Debre Tabor University (DTU), Ethiopia, expressed his University’s willingness to establish an agreement on research collaboration in the field of science, engineering, and technology. His letter in this regard, was delivered to ADIR through Mr. Antehun Atanaw, (a faculty of Debre Tabor University) presently pursuing his PhD at IIT Roorkee.
Subsequently, Prof. Tenalem Ayenew, who is a Professor at Addis Ababa University, and Board Member of DTU visited ADIR office and emphasized the collaboration with DTU. Prof. Ayenew, is an expert in Hydrogeology and Water Management, and hosted at IIT Roorkee by Prof. M.L. Kansal under DST Africa Centre of Excellence (ACE) in water management.
On December 16, 2019, a video conferencing session was held with Prof. Anegagregn Gashaw Ferede, (President, DTU), Mr. Abje Demssie (Faculty Dean of Technology, DTU) at IR office where Prof. Ayenew, and Mr. Atanaw were also present.
IIT Roorkee and DTU agreed to have an MoU and its signing ceremony was held on December 21, 2019. The agreement was signed by Prof. Ayenew, and Prof. B.R. Gurjar, Dean of Resources and Alumni Affairs, IIT Roorkee. Mr. Antehun Atanaw, (faculty of DTU and presently pursuing Ph.D. at IIT Roorkee) witnessed the ceremony hosted by Prof. M.K. Barua, Associate Dean of Students Activities, IIT Roorkee.