Workshop: Joint/ Dual Doctoral Degree Programme

International Relations Office, IITR organized workshop on Joint/Dual Doctoral Degree Programme on Nov 02, 2021. The purpose of the workshop was to increase awareness and promote JDDP among different stakeholder. The speakers from different partner universities and funding agencies were invited to apprise the students and faculty members about available offers and opportunities. This workshop provided the perfect opportunity to promote the same among the intended target. The event was also streamed live on YouTube and available to revisit.

Stakeholders were provided with much-needed guidance/inputs on the important topics including but not limited to advantages and purpose of JDDP, opportunities available in different universities and financial support for the same by either different funding agencies or partner universities and procedure for the same.

The event was inaugurated by Prof. A. K. Chaturvedi, Director (IITR), after the welcome speech by Prof. P. Arumugam (Dean International Relations). During the morning session partner universities discussed opportunities available in their universities, and Prof. A K Sharma (Dean Academic Affairs, IITR) delivered Closing Remark for the morning Session. Afternoon session was initiated by welcome remark by Prof. M. Parida, Deputy Director (IITR). During afternoon sessions, different international funding organizations discussed financial opportunities available to the students for mobility during the JDDP programs and process to obtain them. The closing remarks at the end of workshop was delivered by Prof. Partha Roy (Dean of Resources & Alumni Affairs, IITR). The sessions were moderated by Prof. P. Arumugam and Dr Ravikant Ranjan.

Participants from different partner universities and funding agencies are listed below:

Academic Partners
University of Alberta, Canada Prof. Amit Kumar & Prof. Cen Huang
Swinburne Uni. of Technology, Australia Prof. Alan Lau
Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand Prof. Nitin Tripathi
Chang Gung University, Taiwan Prof. P.C. Shen
University of Strasbourg, France Prof. Annick Dejaegere
Funding Partners
DAAD, Germany Ms. Anuroorpa Dixit
Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute Dr. Prachi Kaul
EEAS, European Union Dr. Vivek Dham
EEAS, European Union Dr. Samrat Kumar