IR Office Participated in the International Education Fair, Colombo, Sri Lanka

March 26-27, 2022

International Education Fair was organized by EdCIL (Promoted by Ministry of Higher Education, Govt of India) in Colombo, Sri Lanka. The International relations Office, IIT-Roorkee participated in the event along with other eminent institutes/ universities of India. The International Education Fair was inaugurated by Hon. Piyal Nishantha De Silva, State Minister – Women and Child Development, Pre-schools and Primary Education, School Infrastructure and Education Services, Sri Lanka. He was accompanied by Mr. Vivek Gupta, First Secretary (Edu), High Commission of India, Colombo and Dr. B Chandrasekar, Executive Director, EdCIL.

Dr. Ravikant Ranjan represented IR Office at this Education Fair. This visit provided an excellent opportunity to meet the prospective students and a chance to promote collaboration with Sri Lankan Universities/ Government agencies. available at IIT Roorkee to the international faculty members and students. Many students connected with the IIT Roorkee representative and discussed study and research programmes available for international students.

Hon. Piyal Nishantha De Silva, State Minister, Govt of Sri Lanka inaugurated the Education Fair

International Relations Office, IIT-Roorkee discussed with Mr. Vivek Gupta, First Sec. (Edu), Indian High Commission, about various training programmes, research and student exchange programmes and other opportunities open for Public and Private sector staff members. Dr. Ravikant Ranjan discussed with Mr. Vivek Gupta about previous Sri Lankan trainees, who visited IIT-Roorkee, from both the public and private sectors. High Commission of India supported the opportunities provided by IIT-Roorkee for short term training and quality improvement programme.

L-R: Dr B Chandrasekar, Executive Director, EdCIL and Mr Vivek Gupta, First Sec (Edu) & Dr Ravikant Ranjan (IIT-Roorkee)

Overall the visit by the International Relations Office representative to Sri Lanka was fruitful and local students connected directly with IIT-Roorkee and received relevant guidance about various academic opportunities open for international students.