Prof Tetsuo Kidokoro, Professor, Department of Urban Engineering, University of Tokyo, visited International Relations Office to discuss collaborations between IIT Roorkee and the University of Tokyo.
Prof Kidokoro was visiting IIT Roorkee under the provisions of the Foreign Faculty Visit in SPARC (Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration) program. During his visit he participated in the activities related to the SPARC-sponsored project titled “Urban and Regional Inequality Modelling as Story-Telling: Using Simulation Models as Narrative” with his collaborator Prof. Arindam Biswas, Dept. of Architecture and Planning at IIT Roorkee.
At IR Office, Prof Arumugam welcomed Prof Kidokoro along with Prof Biswas (Host Faculty) and elaborated on the collaborative activities between IIT Roorkee and the University of Tokyo. During the discussion, Dr Ravikant Ranjan (IR Office) also pitched the idea of joint degree programs between partner institutes. The meeting was focused on enhancing the partnership between the University of Tokyo and IIT Roorkee.