Visit of the delegation from France to IIT Roorkee on October 7th, 2022

Dr. Stephana CALMANT (Dean of the IRD research centre in Cayenne) and Dr. Jacques VERRON (Research Director, CNRS, LEGI/LGGE, Grenoble), France visited IIT Roorkee on October 7, 2022. The delegation visit included a board room meeting with Prof. Ajit K Chaturvedi (Director, IIT Roorkee), Prof. P. Arumugam (Dean-International Relations, Professor-Physics), Prof. Brijesh Kumar (Head, Professor-Hydrology), Prof. Sanjay Upadhyay, (Head- Space Cell, Professor- Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), Prof. Ankit Agarwal (Asst. Professor- Hydrology), Dr. Shantanu Wahal (Executive Officer-International Relations Office).

The delegations also visited International Relations Office and had an interaction meeting with Prof. P. Arumugam (Dean-International Relations Office). The discussions were focussed on developing joint research proposal between IIT Roorkee, IRD and CNRS, France in response of multi-national multi-disciplinary global calls. Besides this, discussions on establishing programs for student and staff mobility, joint supervision on doctoral theses etc between collaborators from IIT Roorkee, IRD, and CNRS  also took place.